Bonampak murals reproduction

Bonampak murals reproduction
Mayan leaders in discussion. One talks, many listen. Hieroglyphic text below. Replica mural from Bonampak, in Mexico City, Museum of Anthropology

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Midterm exam answers and feedback

Dear Students,

Overall, you did well on the exam, with an average score of 7.5 and a median (half were higher, half lower) of 8.0. What follows are the questions and then a student answer that I thought was very good. However, this was not the only way the question could have been answered. 

This exercise was designed to give you the time (almost a week) to synthesize and summarize your thoughts into a concise, well crafted answer with specific examples within the limit of 900 characters. Students lost points for not providing specific examples.

Q1. The old media monopoly has ended. New digital media have arrived. What are five ways that the consumer experience of digital media is different from a printed newspaper? Your answer should not exceed 900 characters (about 150 words).

One student's answer:

Amount of information: print media are more limited in size than digital media, so the selection of topics must be precise and the writing concise.
Information speed: Digital media are much faster than the printed press, information goes at an almost immediate speed, while print media has a slower process.
Information quality: A consumer may perceive the printed press as more precise or detailed, since the high speeds faced by digital media mean that they lose precision and depth.
Interaction: The digital press has hyperlinks, multimedia content, and the possibility for users to give their feedback through comments or reactions.
Dependence on the network: It is not a disadvantage, but a reality, the consumer of digital media needs the help of the Internet to access the information they want. In the case of the printed press, this dependence does not happen.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Week 7, Oct. 13: Analysis of projects from previous years, discussion of potential topics

 Oct. 13 No theory class. Mid-term exam due.

 Blog post 6, finish by Friday Oct. 16: Collect all 5 of your links, and reflect on blogging

Each member of the team will put links to all five of their blog posts on one blog entry and then write about their experience of blogging. UPLOAD THE LINK TO YOUR FINAL BLOG POST TO EXERCISE 6, IN ADI.

Practical classes, Oct. 13 and 14 

1. Check out the guidelines for the Final Project.
2. Check out some Final Projects from previous years (below).

Who Wears the Pants
The Erasmus Experience
How to be a Pokemon Trainer
Stages: Involve to Evolve
Exodus 2.0
The waiting list 

1. A reminder. At this point in the course, each of you is expected to do 6.5 hours a week on the final project. Each person, 6.5 hours a week. You will use this time for planning, creating, editing, and polishing your work. Most of the work will be done outside the classes.

2. The practice sessions will be the time for each team to meet with the professor, show their work, consult on ideas, get feedback.

3. Project 1, Oct. 20, 21